Haere mai Ezsak and Haere ra Jake!

Term 3 is officially over and our final week saw the arrival of one student and the departure of another.

Nau mai haere mai, Ezsak. Welcome to New Zealand and to Marfell Community School. We are so glad to have you join us!

Haere ra, Jake! We wish you all the best at your new school. We will miss your sunshine, smiles and good energy ☀️ Thank you for making such a delicious cake to share with us all!

Have a great holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all again next term!

Who is Room 9’s MANA Student of the Term?

In yesterday’s assembly, we celebrated all of Marfell’s MANA Students of the Term for Term 2.

Miss Johns presented for Room 9.

This person has shown great growth this term.

They give everything a go and don’t give up when things are tricky.

They set a great example to others, always sitting on the mat nicely, and walking around the school with MANA.

Can you guess who it is?

Well done Kymani!!

You should be proud!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Garden to Table starts next Term!

A notice was sent home today for all whānau to read:

Garden to Table is a group that helps schools across New Zealand teach kids about growing and cooking food. We provide programs that make learning fun and happen outside the classroom, helping Kiwi kids understand and enjoy healthy food

How does the programme work?

Garden to Table sessions for Room 9 will happen in Terms 3 and 4, every Friday morning from 9.15-10.30 am. Some kids work in the garden and some work in the kitchen. 

They will be learning about the changing seasons and how planting, harvesting, and cooking are different in each season. At the end of each session, everyone comes together to share the food they made with their teachers and helpers.

We need volunteers to help make this programme successful! 

If you or a family member are interested in helping out in the garden or kitchen (or both) we need volunteers to work closely with a small group. Even if you are not available every week, we would still love to hear from you! You can talk to me in class or email me at crystal@marfell.school.nz

There is also a permission slip sent home for whānau to give permission for photos to be taken of our tamariki 🙂

Where are we?

We are learning to describe our location. We know that location words are called prepositions.

We read Hairy Maclary Scattercat and listened closely to find the prepositions.

We worked in pairs to act out the story, moving our bodies around like the cats in the story!

The next day we each drew a picture from the story and talked about the prepositions of the animals in the story.

On the third day, we used Explain Everything to make an animation and say the prepositions as we moved our characters around.

Check out all our awesome work below!

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

We are authors!

We have been learning about how the writing process. We focused our writing on the awesome science experiments we have done over the past few weeks. We came back to the same piece of writing each day to add more to it and to take the next step in the writing process.

Day One: Plan our writing – draw a picture plan and write a word we were feeling.

Day Two: Write our first draft – include our thoughts and feelings in our writing.

Day Three: Reread our writing and check it makes sense – add or take words away if we need to.

Day Four: Check our spelling – underline words that we are not sure are spelled right with a red pen and use our word card to write the proper spelling above it.

Day Five: Publish our writing – use the Book Creator app to publish our story. Create a front cover with a title, picture, and author. Copy our writing from the book with one sentence on each page and then illustrate our book.

Logical Lessons: Consequence Detectives!

We have been learning about logical consequences.

  • We know that everything we do has a consequence
  • When we make good choices, good consequences happen
    • Like learning to read, playing a game, or winning a prize
  • If we make bad choices, we might not like what happens next – but it is fair
  • That means:
    • If we chose to make that choice, then we also chose that consequence

For example: If you break a toy, you fix it or if you are not doing the right thing on your iPad, you lose it

We worked in pairs to create our own logical consequences poster. We thought about a choice we can make that needs a fair and logical consequence. We took photos of ourselves making the choice and what the consequence should be if we chose it.

What do you think? Did we chose fair and logical consequences?

Our Assembly!

Last week it was our turn to host the school assembly and we rocked it! Some of our tamariki spoke on stage with a microphone for the first time! We chose to share one of our favourite songs, the Affirmation Song by Snoop Dogg.

Check it out! What’s your favourite affirmation?


Home Learning Week 9-10, Term 2 and Puanga Celebrations

Kia ora whānau!

As we wind down for the end of the term, I just have to say a massive THANK YOU to those whānau who have taken the time to read with your tamariki and learn together. Their learning this term has really blossomed, with many tamariki feeling like a more confident reader, due to your support at home. So THANK YOUUUUUU!!!

In case you’ve missed the memo, this week we will be celebrating Puanga with a shared hangi. Don’t forget to RSVP tomorrow before the cut-off! We are still taking donations of kai to help keep our hangi free for all. Our class is responsible for bringing and preparing the pumpkin 🙂

Enjoy the next two weeks of school and have a fantastic break!

Miss Johns

May be an image of text that says "Puanga MarfellCommunitySchool Marfell Community School Join us for a shared hangi Wednesday 26th June @ 12pm RSVP to the School office by Monday 24th June"

Is this a big problem or a little problem?

We have been learning what is a big problem and a little problem. When we know what kind of problem it is, then we know what strategies to use to solve them.

A big problem is unsafe or illegal, and we need to get a trusted adult immediately!

A little problem is something we can deal with on our own. Sometimes it is a problem that we need to use our three strategies. We also know that sometimes little problems are things that upset us that are not anyone’s fault and we need to manage our own emotions and calm ourselves down.

We know that if the same little problem happens a lot, or if using our strategies doesn’t work then it is actually a big problem and we need to get an adult.

Here are our drawings of some of the big and little problems we might face at school.

Do you agree with the problems we have chosen? Can you think of other big or little problems?